Art & Design Studio


WHITEvoid operates at the horizon where art, design & technology meet.

The studio is comprised of specialists in interaction, media- and product design, architecture, mechanical and electronic engineering.

The main focus of the projects is the translation of bits and bytes into objects and environments and vice versa. Space, object, sound and interaction are the key elements of all works.

WHITEvoid , The Art & Design Studio
by Light Artist & Designer Christopher Bauder

CHRISTOPHER BAUDER , Light Artist and Designer

WHITEvoid discovers the endless space of imagination forming massive structures of amazement on the grandest of scales.

Berlin based artist and WHITEvoid CEO Christopher Bauder started creating large-scale spatial art installations and lighting design after finishing his studies in the Digital Media Class at the Berlin University of the Arts.

Light is Life.


In 2004, he founded the multidisciplinary art and design studio WHITEvoid as a necessity to realize large-scale art and design pieces and environments.

WHITEvoid creates for enthusiasts – architects, museums, exhibitions, trade fairs, show rooms, festivals, concerts, clubs.


The main focus of all works is the translation of bits and bytes into real-life objects and environments and vice versa. Space, light, sound and interaction are the key elements.

WHITEvoid is an unstoppable ideas production machine comprised of specialists in interaction, media and product design, architecture, mechanical & electronic engineering.

Ideation to Execution.


Each venture starts with the luxurious void of a white paper to fill with the yet unseen. At WHITEvoid the boundaries between imagination and reality are vague.

Simple, playful and most of all beautiful.