360 Experiential Exhibition

Translating Complexity

We live in a world with 193 countries, 

Over 5,000 languages and 7+ billion inhabitants. Yet, 95% of all languages may disappear in this century. How do we deliver a powerful message and experience to reach the public’s heart and lend a sense of urgency to this stark reality?  

“Voices”, was a 3,000 sq.m. UNESCO-partnered international exhibition on world’s languages and human communication. Mona Kim Projects was honored with many international awards and press for bringing singular and ground-breaking exhibition format which was entirely media and image-driven. The public experienced language in an immersive, mesmerizing state of motion.

Under the studio’s creative direction, bold advertising approach to socio-cultural themes were rendered impactful, relevant and memorable. Spectacular forms of human communication and cultural expressions in the world were revealed. Emotionally powerful sound and visual experiences were choreographed to inspire empathy.