Visual Art

All Statues Sing Protest Songs, 2017

Second monograph book, 196 pages, published by IDEA in a limited edition of 500 copies. Design and art direction by the artist.

Describing the new images as ‘pocket pamphlets’, De Potter further develops his signature style, creating a mood of defiant urgency and surreal interzones with his photography, montages, texts and graphics.
An extra zine-like 12-page booklet was included in the book.

Interviewed by Ted Stansfield for Another Man, De Potter said:

‘All Statues Sing Protest Songs’ is a romantic title. It conjures up a beautiful image; it’s both activist and melancholic. To me, it feels fitting in the current climate of political shifts and traumas. At the same time, I think it’s a stridently joyous line. In the book, the majority of images speak of unrest and agitation, but in a hopeful way. The idea of building and constructing is really important, in an allegorical sense’.